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Walter Metzner

    Department of Integrative Biology and Physiology in UCLA, U.S. Research interests:  Sensory   processing/motor control, especially auditory feedback control of vocalization; Behavioral Neuroscience (Neuroethology).

     Cooperation on behaviornal neuroscience and vocalizatioin in bats.


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Jagmeet Kanwal

    Department of Neurology in Georgetown University, U.S. Research: Dr. Kanwal’s research at the Neurophysiology and Behavior Lab focuses on the auditory processes involved in the coding/decoding, neural integration and perception of communication sounds. They use a systems level approach and multiple techniques to investigate auditory processing within higher levels of the CNS in auditory specialized animals, such as bats and humans.

    Cooperation on acoustic and neuro basis of communication in bats.

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Rebecca T Kimball

    Department of Biology  in University of Florida, U.S. She is an evolutionary biologist, and her research incorporates molecular techniques and field research to examine evolutionary patterns and processes.

    Cooperation on molecular phylogeny and behavioral ecology in bats.

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Hiroshi Riquimaroux

    Doshisha University Graduate School of Life and Medical Sciences in Kyoto, Japan. His research group is involved in studies investigating neural systems for hearing and vocalization.

    Cooperation on vocalization and hearing in bats.

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