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Two articles from our lab were published

Two articles from our lab were published

Recently, two articles from our lab were published in Zoology and Journal of Zoology, respectively. Please see the following:

H. Wu , T.-L. Jiang*, R. Müller & J. Feng*. The allometry of echolocation call frequencies in horseshoe bats: nasal capsule and pinna size are the better predictors than forearm length. Journal of Zoology, 2015,doi:10.1111/jzo.12265.

Hong-Jun Lin, Jagmeet S. Kanwal, Ting-Lei Jiang, Ying Liu*, Jiang Feng. Social and vocal behavior in adult greater tube-nosed bats (Murina leucogaster). Zoology, 2015, doi: 10.1016/j.zool.2014.12.005.