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Keping Sun, Kelly A. Meiklejohn, Brant C. Faircloth, Travis C. Glenn, Edward L. Braun and Rebecca T. Kimball*. 2014. The evolution of peafowl and other taxa with ocelli (eyespots): a phylogenomic approach. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 281: 20140823.

Steffen Hage*, Tinglei Jiang, Sean Berquist, Jiang Feng*, and Walter Metzner. 2014. Ambient noise causes independent changes in distinct spectro-temporal features of echolocation calls in horseshoe bats. Journal of Experimental Biology, 217: 2440-2444.

Lei Wang, Aiqing Lin, Yanhong Xiao, Tinglei Jiang, Jiang Feng*. 2014. Postnatal development in the big-footed bat, Myotis macrodactylus: wing morphology, echolocation calls, and flight. Acta Theriologica. 59: 435–441.

Yuanyuan Li, Jing Wang, Walter Metzner*, Bo Luo, Tinglei Jiang, Siliu Yang, Limin Shi, Xiaobin Huang, Xinke Yue, and Jiang Feng*. 2014. Behavioral responses to echolocation calls from sympatric heterospecific bats: implications for interspecific competition. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 68: 657-667.

Hui Wu, Tinglei Jiang*, Xiaobin Huang, Hongjun Lin, Hongwei Wang, Lei Wang, Hongxing Niu, and Jiang Feng*. 2014. A test of Rensch’s rule in greater horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus ferrumequinum) with female-biased sexual size dimorphism. PLoS ONE, 9: e86085.

Lei Wang, Jinhong Luo, Hongna Wang, Wei Ou, Tinglei Jiang, Ying Liu, Dennis Lyle, and Jiang Feng*. 2014. Dynamic adjustment of echolocation pulse structure of big-footed myotis (Myotis macrodactylus) in response to different habitats. Journal of Acoustical Society of America, 135: 928-932.

Aiqing Lin, Gabor Csorba, Linfeng Li, Tinglei Jiang, Guanjun Lu, Vu Dinh Thong, Pipat Soisook, Keping Sun, and Jiang Feng*. 2014. Phylogeography of Hipposideros armiger (Chiroptera: Hipposideridae) in the Oriental Region: the contribution of multiple Pleistocene glacial refugia and intrinsic factors to contemporary population genetic structure. Journal of Biogeography, 41: 317-327.